The Microdyne 1200-MRC Telemetry Receiver is an amazing work of functional art. It still has world-class reliability and performance considering it was first designed in the early 1980's. Many are still in service today. We provide technical support and upgrades for these popular telemetry receivers and allow them to perform at levels that exceed there original specifications.
Microdyne 1200-MRC Telemetry Receivers are available with your choice of any RF Tuner band and Demodulator, plug-in module. For example, the popular 1251-DST PM Demodulator and a 1215-VT(A) RF Tuner make for a great combination.
PN 106-266-06 and PN 106-266-19. In-stock, and calibrated with 2016
#Microdyne #1200MRC #1251D #1215VT #Repairs #Calibration #TelemetryReceiver
PN: 106-226-01, 106-226-02, 106-226-03, 106-226-06, 106-226-19, 106-226-21, 107-380-02 |
Here is a selection of Microdyne 1200-MRC compatible Demodulator plug-ins. We service and sell the entire line of demods for the 1200 Telemetry Receiver, including the 1251-D PM Demodulator, 1251-D(ST) PM Demodulator, 1244-D FM Demodulator, 1258-D Multi-Mode, and 1255-D PSK Demodulator.
Here are a few of our single-band RF Tuners for the Microdyne 1200-MRC Telemetry Reeiver; the RF Tuner 1215-VT(A) 2200-2300 MHz and the RF Tuner 12115 2000-2150 MHz.
2200-2300 MHz |
2000-2150 MHz |
Here is an example of our 2016 Calibrated dual-band RF Tuner for the 1200-MRC Receivers. It is a RF Tuner 12314 11435-1540MHz and 2200-2400 MHz. Contact us for more details.
1435-1540; 2200-2400 MHz |
Please see our website at for more sales and repair information.